
- [品牌] 飞煌
- [企业] 瑞安飞煌鞋业有限公司
- [地址] 浙江省-温州市
- [电话] 86-577-65579899
Fei Huang Shoes Co. ,Ltd is a well-known company in Ruian which specialized in middle and high class shoes , like leisure shoes, canvas shoes and rubber shoes. Our company is found in 1995 and located in Zhongzhou Industrial Zone, Feiyun Town , Ruian City, Zhejiang China ,covers an area of 7326 square meters ,housing construction area of 12000 square meters .With sustaining efforts, we have more than 400 staff in the company ,37 of them are professional technicist At the same time, we own 3 complete lines of rubber shoe’ s production . Its productive power can compares with the brand of Fei Nai which annual output can reach millions of middle and high class cloth rubber shoes. Because of modern design , superior materials and high quality, our products have won praise from customers .
According to the quality management system of ISO9001:2000, our company mobilize all of the staff to organize the production and control the quality strictly. “Focus on quality, whole-hearted service” is our company’s core value, to make sure that our product is find to the satisfaction of the customer. We believe it should be a win-win situation as long as we continue to carry out our core value .
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